The Everbuild Black Jack Bitumen Trowel Mastic - 5 Litre is a trowel applied black heavily filled bituminous compound with added fibres for reinforcement. The product forms a surface skin, but the mass below remains soft to allow for moderate movement. Suitable for sealing and filling holes in mastic asphalt, roofing felt, corrugated iron, metal guttering and downpipes. This will also remain flexible for long periods after application.
EVERBUILD® BLACK JACK® 904 BITUMEN ROOF FELT ADHESIVE should be brush or mop applied to the surface and left “open” for 15 to 30 minutes (depending upon drying condi- tions) in order to develop its full tackiness. How to Install Felt Underlayment for a New Roof. Installing a roof is much more than just nailing shingles onto some boards. It starts with installing solid decking, usually plywood or oriented. Cold applied bituminous adhesive for bonding successive layers of roofing felt. 1-1.5m2 per litre. Hazard safety codes: Xn, F, R10, R20, R21, R38, R40, 51/53, R65/R66. Black Jack Roof Felt Adhesive is a cold applied, black oxidised bitumen based adhesive used to bond roofing felt to itself, concrete, asphalt, metal, wood and similar surfaces. Also suitable for use as a cold gritting solution.