The leaderboard updates in real time, players can keep track of their position in the tournament. A qualifying game round in Roulette for the purposes of this promotion is a real money bet round when player’s bets cover less than 70% of the outcomes on the wheel. Roulette Tournaments only apply to games on the service “Live Roulette – Live on ITV”. Tournaments will take place only during the live TV broadcast of Jackpot247 between 00:01 and 03:00 on Saturday 8th September 2018. Exact start times and the number of Tournaments will be advertised during the live TV broadcasts of Jackpot247. In the past few years roulette tournaments, which are held in an online environment, caught the attention of players on a global scale. At times, events promoted by different online casinos may have a bit different structure, but in the common case, a similar structure is followed, which requires a buy-in fee, so that one can take part in the particular event. The idea of roulette tournaments is commonly very fascinating to individuals who learn about it for the first time. These folks subsequently express a desire for learning more about these tournaments, the way the tournaments work and just how the tournaments vary from ordinary roulette games. This Friday night between 00.01 and 03.00 on 15th December we are running a Roulette Tournament with a top prize of £250 cash. The tournament will run for 10 consecutive games and if you are playing for real during these games you will be entered automatically.

Roulette tournaments are a fun and popular spin on a classic roulette game

Although roulette is usually played against the house, the tournament format transforms the game into a competition between players. Divided into a number of rounds, players are given a stack of chips, either a time or spin limit, and the goal of accumulating the most chips by the end of the round.

Below you will learn all about the roulette tournament from signing up, to how to win at roulette competition in a casino and other fun tips that will allow you to excel at roulette while having fun.

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Roulette Tournament – Sign Up

Signing up for a roulette tournament is simple!

Much like poker tournaments, events are listed in a tournament lobby ahead of time, allowing you to choose the one that suits your budget. Something to consider, beyond the entry fee, when entering a roulette championship, is the payout structure.

Tip: Consider the payout structure before signing up for a roulette tournament

While many tournaments use a winner-takes-all format, some events award prizes to the top finishers based on a tiered structure. Although the format of the game is different from standard roulette, the rules are identical with minimum and maximum betting limits also know as table limits.

Roulette Tournaments in Las Vegas

Every year the major casinos in Las Vegas organize roulette tournaments. If you are a regular player you probably will get an automatic invitation plus some free chips. Casinos do this as a thank you token for their patrons who most of the time play roulette for real money but also want to play it while having fun.

If you are just starting to play roulette you may have to do some research and see when and where in Las Vegas you can attend a roulette tournament. We highly recommend participating in one as it is a great segue to playing roulette for real money.

How To Win At Roulette Tournament

You can win a roulette competition by combining luck, skillful betting, and strategic maneuvering


The first part of this equation is the most important. To win a roulette tournament, you are going to have to get lucky and win a lot of spins. You can’t rely purely on luck, though. Despite the seemingly random nature of the game roulette played in tournament form introduces many strategic elements that are unique to the format.

How To Win In Roulette – Careful Planning

One way to maximize your chances of winning the tournament is to carefully consider what types of bets to make. Some players try to pull ahead of the pack right from the start by making a handful of large inside bets and hoping one of them delivers a massive 35-1 payout. Others prefer to take a more methodical approach by staying on the outside and trying to grind their way to the top.

How To Win At Roulette – Types Of Bets

Ultimately, the type of bets you make should depend on the structure of the tournament you enter. Some tournaments limit you to a certain number of spins before the round ends, forcing more aggressive and riskier betting. Other tournaments give you a specific time limit in which you can play as many or as few spins as you’d like, allowing you the freedom to be a little more conservative in your betting.

Roulette Tournament Strategies – Adapt To Your Opponents

Since you’re competing against other players to win the most chips, you will have to vary the size and types of your bets at crucial points in the tournament. Because of these dynamically shifting situations, the most important thing to consider when devising a tournament strategy is to always keep track of the other players’ chip count on every spin.

Important: Always keep track of other players’ chip count on every spin

Once you have a good idea of how your chips compare to the other players, you can vary the size of your bets depending on how small (or large) your stack is. For example, if you’re in the lead it might be worth taking the conservative route and making small bets while other players try to catch up.

If you find yourself trailing in chips, however, you probably want to take the kamikaze route and bet as much as you can — after all, you don’t have much to lose.

Roulette Tournament – Wrapping Up

As you can see signing up for a roulette competition is very easy. Many casinos organize annual roulette championships as a fun even for their regular players but also to introduce roulette game to new players.

Winning a roulette tournaments requires strategic planning. The ability to adapt to changing conditions, and outwitting the other players in the tournament is a skill that often leads to a win in a roulette championship.

If you thrive on competition and like the idea of introducing skill-based elements to a game of chance, roulette competition just might be the most fun and profitable way to expand your bankroll.

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Roulette Tournament

Roulette Tournaments are beginning to catch attention from both the casino beginners and roulette aficionados in brick-and-mortar as well as in online casinos. With the big prizes to be won and the relatively fast pace of the game, it is sure to gain more popularity in the near future.

Tournament Rules

Roulette Tournament 2018 Game

If the aim of the roulette game is to win against the house, the aim of the roulette game is to have the biggest stack of chips after the tournament. Different casinos implement different rules when it comes to tournament plays over the roulette table. Game rules used, however, are very much the same across casinos. Players who wish to join a roulette tournament must first pay tournament fee. The minimum tournament fee varies depending on the casino, but all casinos provide the tournament participants with a set of chips relative to the amount they have paid.

Most casinos offer chips 1000 times the value of the amount of buy-ins. A $10 buy-in, for example, can yield 10,000 chips. At any point during the game, a player can stop playing and redeem his winnings. Some casinos allow players to convert un-played chips into cash, while other casinos forfeit the un-played amount. Most casinos also offer final round of tournaments. To qualify for this round, players must play a particular number of rounds. The best players from these rounds are then rendered eligible to compete in the final round.

Where to Play Roulette Tournaments

Playing roulette tournament is only as fun as the casino you are in. With a lot of casinos that offer roulette tournaments, it can be quite difficult to choose where to play roulette tournament. Choosing where to play roulette casino all boils down to the player’s choice and personal criteria, so it can be quite helpful if you will settle some issues to help you decide where to play.

Roulette Tournament 2018

The first issue you should settle is whether you wanted to play online or offline. Different casinos offer different prizes, so it’s better to know the main and the minor prizes. There are many casinos that offer roulette tournaments, and it all boils down to your preference and if their scheduled dates and time fits yours. It would also help if you know the minimum buy-in or entry fee the casino charges, if you can redeem un-played chips or not, and what is the maximum and minimum betting amount required in the game.