1. Save Slot Unlock Progress Tool
  2. Save Slot Unlock Progress Online
  3. Save Slot Unlock Progress Software
  4. Save Slot Unlock Progress Card

The Saved Games service gives you a convenient way to saveyour players' game progression to Google's servers. Your game can retrieve thesaved game data to allow returning players to continue a game at their lastsave point from any device.

The Saved Games service makes it possible to synchronize a player's game dataacross multiple devices. For example, if you have a game thatruns on Android, you can use the Saved Games service toallow a player to start a game on their Android phone, and thencontinue playing on a tablet without losing any of their progress. This servicecan also be used to ensure that a player's game playcontinues from where it left off even if their device is lost, destroyed, ortraded in for a newer model.

Playing on standard xbox one, just got back and found my 16 hour progress reverted back to 24 minutes. Is there a limit to the amount of saves you can have, as I now only have six saves and they are all auto saves. Press Down on the D-pad to move the temporary Suspend Point to a save slot in the Suspend Point List, then press A to save it. The temorary Suspend Point highlighted over the second save slot in.

Note: Before using the Saved Games service, you must firstenable it in theGoogle Play Console.

To learn how to implement saved games for your platform, seeClient implementations.

Saved Games basics

A saved game consists of two parts:

  • An unstructured binary blob - this data can represent whatever you choose,and your game is responsible for parsing and writing to it.
  • Structured metadata - additional propertiesassociated with the binary data that allow Google Play games services to visuallypresent Saved Games in the default Saved Games list user interface (UI), and topresent useful information in theGoogle Play Games app (for example, last updated timestamp).

A game can write an arbitrary number of Saved Games for a single player,subject to user quota, so there is no hard requirement to restrictplayers to a single save file.

Cover images

Save Slot Unlock Progress

The Saved Games service provides a visual user experience in addition topersistence features. You are strongly encouraged to associate representativeimages with corresponding save files. If you are using the default Saved Gameslist user interface (UI) provides by the Play Games SDK in your game, the UIwill display these cover images. The cover images may also appear in theGoogle Play Games app.


You can provide a short text description of the content of a particular savedgame. This description is directly displayed to players and should summarizethe state that the saved game represents; for example, “Fighting the Goblinsin the Dark Woods”.


Developers are not charged for any saved game data that’s stored in the cloud.Instead, this data is counted against the player’s Google Drive quota - younever have to worry about it. The only quota that game developers need to careabout is their Google Drive API quota.

Read/Write isolation

All Saved Games are stored in your players' Google Drive Application DataFolder. This folder can only be read and written by your game - it cannot beviewed or modified by other developers’ games, so there is additional protectionagainst data corruption. In addition, Saved Games are insulated from directtampering by players so they cannot modify individual Saved Games.

Offline support

Your game can still read and write to a saved game when the player's device isoffline, but will not be able to sync with Google Play games services untilnetwork connectivity is established. Once reconnected, Google Play games servicesasynchronously updates the saved game data on Google's servers.

Conflict resolution

When using the Saved Games service, your game may encounter conflicts whenattempting to save data. These conflicts can occur when a user is running morethan one instance of your application on different devices or computers. Yourapplication must be able to resolve these conflicts in a way that provides thebest user experience.

Typically, data conflicts occur when an instance of your application is unableto reach the Saved Games service while attempting to load data or save it. Ingeneral, the best way to avoid data conflicts is to always load the latest datafrom the service when your application starts up or resumes, and save data tothe service with reasonable frequency. However, it is not always possible toavoid data conflicts. Your application should make every effort to handleconflicts such that your users' data is preserved and that they have a goodexperience.

Save Slot Unlock Progress


Google Play games services currently enforce size limits on binary data and coverimage sizes of 3 MB and 800 KB respectively.

Saved game metadata

The structured metadata for a saved game contains these these properties:

IDA unique string generated by Google Play games services for this saved game. Use this ID to refer to the saved game in your game clients.
NameA developer-supplied short name for the saved game, for example 'Save slot 1' or 'PlayerName_Save1'. This is not shown to players.
DescriptionA developer-supplied description of the saved game.
Last modifiedTimestamp in milliseconds generated by Google Play games services for when the saved game was last updated.
Played timeA developer-supplied time (in milliseconds) to display on the saved game. This value should represent how long the player has played the corresponding save game. For example, a played time value of 3600000 will be displayed by Google Play games services as '1 hr'.
Cover imageThis is an optional, developer-supplied property that contains information about the cover image.

Save Slot Unlock Progress Tool

Client implementations

To learn how to implement Saved Games for your platform, see the following resources:

This is a walkthrough for the official English translation of “If You Love Me, Then Say So!” by Mangagamer. For which the original Japanese developer of the game is called “ChuableSoft”, and the original game title is Watashi ga Suki nara “Suki” tte Itte!. This guide is based upon the Japanese walkthrough by Seiya Saiga (All credits to them), but is instead adjusted to match the English translation.

“If You Love Me, Then Say So” has 3 main heroines, alongside 2 additional shorter route heroines (Ayame, Yuuki, Mahiru, Chiho, Rinka). By following this guide you’ll be able to unlock all endings and all (uncensored) CGs.


  • This walkthrough assumes an absolute clean state (no save data), but feel to use other save slots as you go to keep your progress.
  • This game has gameplay similar to a dating simulator. There’s a calendar and you can choose various options each day. Until it’s time for you to confess.
  • The dates below use the same format as in the game (American Month/Day)
  • This guide assumes no restoration patch applied, but it shouldn’t make much of a difference

Ayame (Confession) End

  • Play through all days leading up to March 8 (Sunday)
  • 03/08 – Phone (Ayame)
  • 03/09 – Apple Pie’s My Favorite Food
  • 03/10 – Time to Try Hamburgers
  • 03/11 – Who Told You That?!
  • 03/12 – Ignorant
  • 03/13 – I’d Never Go to the Hospital
  • 03/14 – (No choice)
  • 03/15 – Sleep
  • 03/16 – Cockroach Sighted! Exterminate!
  • 03/17 – The Suspension Bridge Effect
  • 03/18 – A Sunny Day Tornado
  • 03/19 – Yuuki’s Schedule
  • (Story part)
  • 04/07 – (!)Lifelong Dream
  • 04/08 – What’s Spring Make You Think Of?
  • 04/09 – Chats Over Flowers
  • 04/10 – (!)A Movie Audition
  • 04/11 – (No Choice)
  • 04/12 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 04/13 – (!)Running Around the Broccolini Field
  • 04/14 – (!)Why I’m Not Acting Well
  • 04/15 – Dealing with a Childhood Friend
  • 04/16 – Selfish, Fussy Girl
  • 04/17 – Creative Cooking
  • 04/18 – (No Choice)
  • 04/19 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 04/20 – (!)Broccolini Flower Magic
  • 04/21 – New Menu Item Complete!
  • 04/22 – Ghost Restaurant
  • 04/23 – Do You Like Apples? Do You Like Pie?
  • 04/24 – Random Mishmash
  • 04/25 – (No Choice)
  • 04/26 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 04/27 – What Kind of Guy Do You Like?
  • 04/28 – No Fair
  • 04/29 – (No Choice)
  • 04/30 – How I Became a Child Actress
  • 05/01 – Yuuki, Mahiru, And I
  • 05/02 – (No Choice)
  • 05/03 – Phone (Ayame)
  • 05/04 – (No Choice)
  • 05/05 – Haunted house
  • 05/06 – (No Choice)
  • 05/07 – (!)Naturale’s Going Bankrupt!?
  • 05/08 – (!)A Sudden Call
  • 05/09 – Play together
  • 05/10 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 05/11 – (!)If You At Least Had a Coach
  • 05/12 – Mother’s Day
  • 05/13 – (!)My Life’s Greatest Crisis, Maybe
  • 05/14 – (!)Grandpa Attacks
  • 05/15 – (!)A Master Beach Volleyball Coach
  • 05/16 – Sure
  • 05/17 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 05/18 – Four Leaf Clover Hunt
  • 05/19 – Four Leaf Clover Found
  • 05/20 – Vocab
  • 05/21 – Pocket Pool
  • 05/22 – Career Aspiration Reports
  • 05/23 – Sure
  • 05/24 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 05/25 – (!)Suddenly, Great Business!
  • 05/26 – Let Me Copy Your Notes
  • 05/27 – Something Smells Good
  • 05/28 – Killing Time
  • 05/29 – (No Choice)
  • 05/30 – I’ll make some for you tomorrow
  • 05/31 – Phone (Ayame)
  • 06/01 – (No Choice)
  • 06/02 – (No Choice)
  • 06/03 – Himekami
  • 06/04 – (No Choice)
  • 06/05 – (No Choice)
  • 06/06 – Sure
  • 06/07 – Sleep
  • 06/08 – My Little Friend
  • 06/09 – Can’t Stop Hiccuping
  • 06/10 – (!)Almost Her Birthday
  • 06/11 – Clean-Up Duty
  • 06/12 – Want To Have Some Fun?
  • 06/13 – Sure
  • 06/14 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 06/15 – Personality Overlap?
  • 06/16 – New Menu Item, On Sale!
  • 06/17 – (!)When I Turn On the TV
  • 06/18 – Magical Gardening Club
  • 06/19 – Truly, This is the Game of Life
  • 06/20 – Sure
  • 06/21 – Phone -> Ayame
  • 06/22 – (No Choice)
  • 06/23 – I Want to Encourage Her
  • 06/24 – (!)Almocorn
  • 06/25 – (!)Macra Puaba
  • 06/26 – The School’s Seven Mysteries
  • 06/27 – Please do
  • Save Slot 1
  • 06/28 – Confess!
  • Ayame Himekami
  • 09/08 – Sleep
  • Save Slot 2
  • 09/10 – Confess!
  • Confess to Ayame
  • (Ayame – Confession End)

Save Slot Unlock Progress Online

Ayame (Normal) End

  • Load Slot 2
  • 09/10 – Sleep
  • (Ayame – Normal End)

Ayame Cupid Flower Route (After finishing the above)

Save slot unlock progress online

Save Slot Unlock Progress Software

  • From the start
  • 03/08 – Sleep
  • 03/09 – Apple Pie’s My Favorite Food
  • 03/10 – Time to Try Hamburgers
  • 03/11 – Who Told You That?!
  • 03/12 – Ignorant
  • 03/13 – I’d Never Go to the Hospital
  • 03/15 – Cupid Flowers (Set Ayame relationship level to Love)
  • 03/18 – The Suspension Bridge Effect
  • 04/07 – What’s Spring Make You Think Of?
  • 04/08 – (!)Lifelong Dream
  • 04/09 – (!)Running Around the Broccolini Field
  • 04/11 – Sure
  • Save Slot 3
  • 04/12 – Confess!
  • Ayame Himekami

Ayame Scene Recovery (Alternative Confession, no CG)

  • Load Slot 1
  • 06/28 – Phone
  • 06/30 – Seven Mysteries -Girl A’s Experience-
  • 07/01 – Seven Mysteries -Girl A’s Experience 2-
  • 07/02 – Ditching the Hospital
  • 07/03 – I love you


  • Load Slot 3
  • 04/12 – Confess!
  • Chiho Yataka
  • (Chiho End)

Chiho Normal End

  • Load Slot 3
  • 04/12 – Sleep
  • 04/13 – Panty Flash Swing
  • 04/14 – The Broccolini Field and QP’s Advice
  • 04/15 – (!)A Movie Audition
  • 04/16 – (!)Why I’m Not Acting Well
  • 04/17 – Selfish, Fussy Girl
  • 04/19 – Sleep
  • 04/20 – Flower Field Memories
  • 04/21 – Ghost Restaurant
  • 04/22 – Is the Manager Acting Strange?
  • 04/23 – Walking Home Together
  • 04/24 – On the Way Home From Work
  • 04/26 – Sleep
  • 04/27 – Memory Searches and Burgers
  • 04/28 – What’s Today’s Garden Work?
  • 04/30 – What’s Today’s Garden Work? 2
  • 05/01 – I Hate Bugs
  • 05/03 – Sleep
  • 05/05 – Ferris wheel
  • 05/07 – The Amnesiac Girl Shouts to the Sea
  • 05/08 – Mother’s Day Preparations
  • 05/10 – Sleep
  • 05/11 – In Club, An Unexpected Encounter
  • 05/12 – Could Care Less or Couldn’t Care Less?
  • 05/13 – Pay Negotiations!
  • 05/14 – A Sunny Day Tornado
  • 05/15 – Ep 1: Fight!!! Souta Hatsuaki!
  • 05/16 – Sure
  • 05/17 – Sleep
  • 05/18 – School Tour
  • 05/19 – Ep 2: Mahiru in Danger?!
  • 05/20 – Ep 3: Yuuki was Kidnapped
  • 05/21 – Ep 4: Kamen Farmer’s Greatest Crisis
  • 05/22 – Ep 5: Farewell, Kamen Farmer
  • 05/24 – Sleep
  • 05/25 – Important Discussion
  • (Chiho End)

Yuuki (Confession) End (After finishing the above)

  • From the beginning
  • 03/08 – Sleep
  • 03/09 – Locked in the Bathroom
  • 03/10 – Who Told You That?!
  • 03/11 – Sometimes I Come as a Customer
  • 03/12 – I’d Never Go to the Hospital
  • 03/13 – Pay Negotiations!
  • 03/15 – Phone (Yuuki)
  • 03/18 – Dirty Joke Obsession
  • 04/07 – The Pasta I Remember
  • 04/08 – Ghost Restaurant
  • 04/09 – (!)Lifelong Dream
  • 04/12 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 04/13 – The Pasta I Remember, Souta Version
  • 04/14 – Impolite Language
  • 04/15 – (!)Running Around the Broccolini Field
  • 04/16 – Dad’s Cooking
  • 04/17 – Today’s Special and the Picky Girl
  • 04/19 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 04/20 – (!)A Movie Audition
  • 04/21 – Wanna Watch a Movie?
  • 04/22 – Thanks For Helping
  • 04/23 – Naturale’s Regular Customer
  • 04/24 – Creative Cooking
  • 04/26 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 04/27 – Dealing with a Childhood Friend
  • 04/28 – Maya-san’s Cooking Consultation
  • 04/30 – What Ingredients For My Recipe?
  • Potato
  • 05/01 – Harvest
  • 05/03 – Sleep
  • 05/05 – Ferris wheel
  • 05/07 – (!)Naturale’s Going Bankrupt!?
  • 05/08 – New Menu Item Complete!
  • Too busy
  • As long as there’s no dirty jokes
  • 05/10 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 05/11 – (!)My Life’s Greatest Crisis, Maybe
  • 05/12 – (!)A Sudden Call
  • 05/13 – (!)Grandpa Attacks
  • 05/14 – Mother’s Day
  • 05/15 – Do You Like Apples? Do You Like Pie?
  • 05/16 – Go to work with Yuuki
  • 05/17 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 05/18 – (!)If You At Least Had a Coach
  • 05/19 – While Doing Unfamiliar Kitchen Work
  • 05/20 – What Kind Of Guy Do You Like?
  • 05/21 – Yuuki, Mahiru, And I
  • 05/22 – (!)A Master Beach Volleyball Coach
  • 05/23 – Go shopping with her
  • 05/24 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 05/25 – (!)Suddenly, Great Business!
  • 05/26 – Could Care Less or Couldn’t Care Less?
  • 05/27 – Vocab
  • 05/28 – Pocket Pool
  • 05/30 – Watch together
  • 05/31 – Sleep
  • 06/03 – Yuuki
  • You can come over
  • 06/07 – Phone (Yuuki)
  • 06/08 – (!)Almost Her Birthday
  • 06/09 – Sudden Power Outage
  • 06/10 – (!)When I Turn On the TV
  • 06/11 – New Menu Item, On Sale!
  • 06/12 – Can’t Stop Hiccuping
  • 06/13 – A-A man never goes back on his word
  • 06/14 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 06/15 – How’s She React to My Cooking?
  • 06/16 – Being Asked For Special Service
  • 06/17 – Personality Overlap?
  • 06/18 – Asking For Special Service
  • 06/19 – What Kind Of Girl Do You Like?
  • Take up the challenge
  • 06/21 – Phone -> Yuuki
  • 06/23 – (!)Almocorn
  • 06/24 – (!)Macra Puaba
  • 06/25 – (!)A Good Luck Charm
  • 06/26 – (!)I’m Mad
  • 06/27 – Please do
  • 06/28 – Phone (Aoi)
  • 06/30 – (!)Super Rare Ticket Acquired
  • 07/01 – Unicorn Cucumber
  • 07/02 – The School’s Seven Mysteries
  • Go swimming
  • Save Slot 4
  • 07/05 – Confess!
  • Yuki Goshogaware
  • 09/08 – Sleep
  • 09/09 – Sleep
  • Save Slot 5
  • 09/10 – Confess!
  • (Yuuki- Confession End)

Yuuki Normal End

  • Load Slot 5
  • 09/10 – Sleep
  • (Yuuki – Normal End)

Yuuki Cupid Flower Route (After finishing the above)

  • From the start
  • 03/08 – Sleep
  • 03/09 – Wanna Watch a Movie?
  • 03/10 – Dirty Joke Obsession
  • 03/11 – Popsicles
  • 03/12 – Yuuki’s Schedule
  • 03/13 – The Manager’s Sexism
  • 03/15 – Cupid Flowers (Set Yuuki relationship level to Love)
  • 03/18 – Locked in the Bathroom
  • 04/07 – The Pasta I Remember
  • 04/08 – The Pasta I Remember, Souta Version
  • 04/09 – The Pasta I Remember, Souta Version 2
  • 04/11 – Sure
  • 04/12 – Confess!
  • Yuki Goshogaware

Yuuki CG Recovery

  • Load Slot 4
  • 07/05 – Phone
  • Save Slot 6
  • Go with her
  • (After this is the CG recovery scene)

Mahiru Confession Route (After finishing Yuuki’s routes)

  • From the beginning
  • 03/08 – Sleep
  • 03/09 – Yuuki’s Schedule
  • 03/10 – Pay Negotiations!
  • 03/11 – Sometimes I Come as a Customer
  • 03/12 – Locked in the Bathroom
  • 03/13 – The Manager’s Sexism
  • 03/15 – Sleep
  • 03/18 – Wanna Watch a Movie?
  • 04/07 – (!)A Movie Audition
  • 04/08 – What’s Spring Make You Think Of?
  • 04/09 – Chats Over Flowers
  • 04/12 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 04/13 – (!)Why I’m Not Acting Well
  • 04/14 – An Actress’s Job
  • 04/15 – Selfish, Fussy Girl
  • 04/16 – Ghost Restaurant
  • 04/17 – Creative Cooking
  • 04/19 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 04/20 – I’m Getting A Hang of the Role
  • 04/21 – Impolite Language
  • 04/22 – New Menu Item Complete!
  • 04/23 – What Kind Of Guy Do You Like?
  • 04/24 – Random Mismash
  • 04/26 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 04/27 – I Hate Bugs
  • 04/28 – Naturale’s Regular Customer
  • 04/30 – Do You Like Apples? Do You Like Pie?
  • 05/01 – Dealing with a Childhood Friend
  • 05/03 – Sleep
  • 05/05 – Haunted house
  • 05/07 – Acting Incident
  • 05/08 – Mother’s Day Preparations
  • I’ll cook for you
  • 05/10 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 05/11 – No Fair
  • 05/12 – Yuuki, Mahiru, And I
  • 05/13 – Is the Manager Acting Strange?
  • 05/14 – Today’s Special and the Picky Girl
  • 05/15 – Could Care Less or Couldn’t Care Less?
  • 05/16 – Cook for Mahiru
  • 05/17 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 05/18 – Walking Home Together
  • 05/19 – How I Became a Child Actress
  • 05/20 – Four Leaf Clover Hunt
  • 05/21 – Four Leaf Clover Found
  • 05/22 – (!)Naturale’s Going Bankrupt!?
  • Take her to the dentist
  • 05/24 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 05/25 – On the Way Home From Work
  • 05/26 – Killing Time
  • 05/27 – What’s Today’s Garden Work?
  • 05/28 – Thanks For Helping
  • Save Slot 7
  • Tomorrow’s not a good day
  • 05/31 – Sleep
  • Himekami
  • 06/07 – Sleep
  • 06/08 – Something’s Really Weird With Her
  • 06/09 – Call the Chef!
  • 06/10 -(!)Almost Her Birthday
  • 06/11 – Can’t Stop Hiccuping
  • 06/12 – Receipt Contact Info
  • Play with Mahiru
  • 06/14 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 06/15 – (!)When I Turn On the TV
  • 06/16 – Clean-Up Duty
  • 06/17 – Want To Have Some Fun?
  • 06/18 – Magical Gardening Club
  • 06/19 – Trying Ouija?!
  • 06/20 – Cook for her
  • 06/21 – Phone -> Mahiru
  • 06/23 – (!)Almocorn
  • 06/24 – (!)Macra Puaba
  • 06/25 – Ouija Again
  • 06/26 – (!)I’m Mad
  • Do what she wants
  • 06/28 – Phone
  • 06/30 – Become One With the Ingredients!
  • 07/01 – Sudden Rain
  • 07/02 – The School’s Seven Mysteries
  • We’ll eat it tomorrow
  • 07/05 – Sleep
  • 07/08 – Seven Mysteries -Girl M’s Experience-
  • 07/09 – Seven Mysteries -Girl M’s Experience 2-
  • Go eat ice cream cake
  • 07/12 – Confess!
  • Mahiru Komachi
  • Might as well drink it too
  • 09/10 – Sleep
  • Save Slot 8
  • 09/11 – Confess!
  • Confess to Mahiru
  • (Mahiru – Confession End)

Save Slot Unlock Progress Card

Mahiru Normal End

  • Load Slot 8
  • 09/11 – Sleep
  • (Mahiru – Normal End)

Mahiru Cupid Flower Route (After finishing the above)

  • From the start
  • 03/08 – Sleep
  • 03/09 – Yuuki’s Schedule
  • 03/10 – Pay Negotiations!
  • 03/11 – Sometimes I Come as a Customer
  • 03/12 – Locked in the Bathroom
  • 03/13 – The Manager’s Sexism
  • 03/15 – Cupid Flowers (Set Mahiru relationship level to Love)
  • 03/18 – Wanna Watch a Movie?
  • 04/07 – (!)A Movie Audition
  • 04/08 – What’s Spring Make You Think Of?
  • 04/09 – Chats Over Flowers
  • Invite her out
  • 04/12 – Confess!
  • Mahiru Komachi
  • Watch her pee

Mahiru CG Recovery

  • Load Slot 7
  • Teach her to ride a swing
  • 05/31 – Sleep
  • Mahiru
  • I love you
  • (After this is the alternative confession CG unlock)

Rinka Confession End (After finishing Yuuki’s routes)

  • Load Slot 6
  • Don’t
  • 07/08 – Seven Mysteries -Girl Y’s Experience-
  • 07/09 – Seven Mysteries -Girl Y’s Experience 2-
  • 07/12 – Sleep
  • Save Slot 9
  • 08/27 – Confess!
  • Confess to Rinka

Rinka Normal End

  • Load Slot 9
  • 08/27 – Sleep (x2)
  • Don’t
  • (Rinka – Normal End)

If you liked ChuableSoft’s “If You Love Me, Then Say So”, it might be good to know that Mangagamer is currently working on a translation for “Farther Than the Blue Sky”.

Watashi ga Suki nara “Suki” tte Itte!

Brand(s):MangaGamer, ChuableSoft
A game that brings back the same confession system as that from Sugar+Spice. Watashi ga Suki nara “Suki” tte Itte is about a protagonist that likes gardening and cooking. Souta’s school life suddenly starting getting color after he meets a fairy named QP.…
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