Hi dear gamblers, I would like to open a new topic about losing streak. Recently I played in one online casino( so far it doesnt matter which one) and I have to say that Ive never seen anything like that. In addition Ive Lost more than 7000EUR in last two days, Im disappointed in the sense that I. Guide to Blood Suckers Online Slot December 4, 2020 Bingo 90 Ball Guide December 1, 2020 If like so many punters you play online slots at www.cozino.dk for fun and are not in any way addicted, but still find yourself losing regularly, then there are a few things you can try to turn your luck.

Three simple ways to turn bad luck around at live & online casinos.

Have you ever experienced a frustrating streak of bad luck at the casino? If you would call yourself at least a casual gambler, sure you have. We all have! It’s the nature of the game. Luck is not a lethargic tide. It rarely comes in comfortable ebbs and flows. It travels in erratic waves, cresting and crashing down with the unpredictability of the ocean. Before every violent hurricane is a calm before the storm, and no meteorologist can accurately foretell the storms path every time.

Losing streaks, winning streaks – they happen. No one worries about how to handle a winning streak. But many have asked, with regret dripping from the sorrowful inflection of their voice, how to lose a losing streak.

Ways to Turn Bad Luck Around

Your perception has more to do with your reaction to a bad luck streak than anything else. How do you perceive your gambling, or gambling in general? How do you perceive the losses you’ve incurred? What is your reason for gambling in the first place?

Some see gambling as a form of entertainment, and that’s exactly what it should be. You wouldn’t go to the movies and watch film after film, buying “just one more popcorn” each time the credits role, slurping down soda after soda and freebasing Junior Mints to keep your eyes open. You go watch a movie you’re interested in, or even a matinee. But once it’s over, you’ve had enough, you’ve gotten your money’s worth in entertainment, and you go home.

Gambling should be no different. If you see gambling as anything else, or attempt to chase losses every time you have a bad run, you’re asking for trouble. It’s like giving a child a grenade to play with after wrapping tape around the pin. Oh, it’s fine, it’s safe, it’s not dangerous – I put duct tape on it!

Perception is everything. Keep that in mind at all times. If you find yourself toying with a duct-taped grenade, you need to find a new hobby. Otherwise, keep a clear head and follow these three simple tips for turning your luck around.

#1 Bet Low, Play Slow

Slow your game down. Move around the casino and check out the sights, the sounds, the games. You don’t have to spend every moment wagering. When you do pick a game to play, just bet the minimum. No need to relinquish your entire wallet during a bad luck streak.

#2 Break It Down(Time)

Sometimes your best bet is not to bet at all. Walk away. Take a break. Everyone needs a little downtime now and again. As we already know, luck can be a volatile thing. You could be having a bad day, a bad week, a bad month… Find some other way to entertain yourself until the good-luck-train rolls back around.

#3 Practice Makes Precept

Very few forms of gambling can give you a positive expectation no matter how well you play them. Poker is the only game where skill can truly dominate. Blackjack and video poker are the only banked games that let you make definitive decisions, but they still afford a minuscule edge to the house. Even a mathematical savant can lose, because in the end, these are still games of chance, and as we know, luck is not a loyal friend. But you can spend your downtime practicing strategies that will increase your odds of – not winning more – but losing less.

If you really want to turn bad luck around, get better at the games you play. While riding out the unlucky streak, play free online casino games. Practice using a blackjack strategy chart. Learn how a pay table effects slot machines. Learn to play craps and how to take odds on the right bets. There’s a whole world of live and online casino games out there that may do far less damage to your bankroll, and offer a much more generous return when luck is on your side.

Time Limited Offer For Canadian Players -$1200 Free Play-through Bonus (not a typo)

Royal Vegas is going crazy with their promos this month if you are a Canadian based player. They are a serious operator and accept a host of easy deposit options such as eCheck. Quick payouts, and highly recommended.

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So really, all that we poor unsuspecting victims can do in this case, is to make our peace with it, and learn to expect it both in the best and in the worst of cases. You never know when it’s going to pop up, revealing its ugly head, nor when it plans of leaving you, so it may be more than a good idea to have a plan B around, for such an occasion.
But we feel we are getting ahead of ourselves with this, as we have the whole article to discuss in detail just what this unlucky streak can do, and how one can try and cope with it, without losing both their nerves and money. We can’t promise anything, of course, as no matter how skilled and experienced a player is, that is one thing which they will have to face. But hopefully, and just maybe, what you are about to read further below may prove useful.

1. Knowing That it’s Coming

We already pointed out that one of the very worst experiences which any gambler can end up facing is an unlucky streak. One can feel at that time as if the whole world were against them, and that everyone is against them. But in order to stop torturing oneself, one needs to come to terms with this.Slots Losing Streak
Which brings us to the first thing which one can do to try and beat a stubborn streak of bad luck: namely, to know that, one way or another, it’s coming! It really shouldn’t be so surprising, as the more one plays and the more one wins, the bigger one’s chances are of stumbling upon such a dreaded streak.
This is perfectly understood if one gets the math revolving around casino games. The probability ratios speak for themselves, really. Before you can try and avoid it, it’s best to expect it to creep up on you eventually.

2. Having a Positive Mind Set

Basically, we are referring to the way which you, as the player, should be thinking. We had already mentioned in the very beginning of this article of ours that there is no small number of players who enter what can be called ‘a dark and gloomy state of mind’ the moment they start dealing with such terrible losing streaks.
In fact, we can freely say that this, more often than not, can turn into a type of mindset which is almost self-abusive, and at times, can even border on depression. Yes, it can get that serious, folks, which is all the more reason on why every player should learn to cope with it and not overreact as if it was the end of the world. Even though we are well aware that it can seem that way in such cases.
So try and look at any silver lining you ca grasp while experiencing this bad streak. We are well aware that it can be more than a little tough to maintain a positive attitude while constantly losing money, but we promise that if you succeed in keeping your cool and staying focused, both your bankroll and your brain would bel thanking you in the long run.

3. Ever Heard of ‘Tilting’?

There is one word which is often used in the gambling word: “Tilt”. To put it in simple terms, tilting is when a player gets so very frustrated and mad while losing, that he or she enters into what can only be described as a world of their own, thus starting to play rather recklessly. This phase could last from just a few seconds or to as long as a few months. Basically, until the gambler has lost the last cent to their name.
After reading this (or perhaps you already knew it?) we’re sure we don’t need to tell you just how vital it is for both your health and wallet to avoiding the tilt at any and all costs. This is where having a positive state of mind can be so helpful. Just try to remember that any losses are only a temporary setback, and that sooner or later, you will indeed be back on your path to success!

4. The Importance of Bankroll Management

Slots A ton of players make the terrible mistake of attempting to play at higher limits while hey happen to be on a losing streak. The “logic” behind this is that they desperately believe that they can recoup all of their current losses by playing at least a few games at higher limits.
This is nothing but bad news for their bankroll, and it also proves that these players don’t know the first thing about managing that bankroll. You can be sure that this is one of the worst decisions you can make while feeling desperate with your losing streak, as it will have the opposite effect and make you lose even more of your hard-earned cash!
What you should be doing if the exact contrary to this: once you realize you are momentarily on a losing streak, then play at lower limits and downsize your bets. That way, even if you’re losing, you will at least be losing a lot less, and will thus also be able to cope a lot better with such loses while moving on.


Slots Losing Streak Slot Machine

You can always tell us about your unlucky streaks in the comments section, as well as anything else you would like to share with us on this matter! We hope that you found some useful info while reading this article, which can certainly help you with coping while in such situations. Maybe even get you back to your winning ways? Who knows! All we can do is wish you the very best of luck out there with all your gaming, whether online slots at online casinos, or any of the other gambling games there are.