
Tatsumaki Slots Commands Cheat


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Command Description

set-currency <new symbol>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Set the currency symbol to use.

You can use anything for this, including emojis.

Example: set-currency $

set-starting-balance <amount>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Set bank balance members joining your server start with.

Set this to 0 if you want to disable it.

Example: set-starting-balance 200

set-interest-rate <rate>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Set the interest rate of the bank.

Interest is applied to users bank balance every 12 hours.

Maximum: 15.00% Minimum: -100%

Example: set-interest-rate 4%

lock-channel [channel or all]

Permissions: Manage channels or Bot commander role

Lock channels from earning money from chatting.

If no channel is given, the current channel will be locked.

Example: lock-channel #general

unlock-channel [channel or all]

Permissions: Manage channels or Bot commander role

Unlock channels for earning money from chatting.

If no channel is given, the current channel will be unlocked.

Example: unlock all

chat-cooldown <duration>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Set's the cooldown between messages for earning money.

Example: chat-cooldown 10 seconds

chat-money <min max> <amount>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Sets the minimum or maximum you could receive for each message sent.

(This has a cooldown to prevent any spam)

Example: chat-money min 14

add-money [cash bank] <member> <amount>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Add money to a member's cash or bank balance.

If the cash or bank argument isn't given, it will be added to the cash part.

For an infinite amount of money use Infinity (case-sensitive) as the amount.

Example: add-money unbelievable 350

add-money-role [cash bank] <role> <amount>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Add money to the cash or bank balance of every member in a role.

Bots are not included.

If the cash or bank argument isn't given, it will be added to the cash part.

Example: add-money-role Member 350

remove-money [cash bank] <member> <amount>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Remove money from a member's cash or bank balance.

If the cash or bank argument isn't given, it will be removed from the cash part.

For an infinite amount of money use Infinity (case-sensitive) as the amount.

Example: remove-money unbelievable 280

remove-money-role [cash bank] <role> <amount>

Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Remove money from the cash of every member in a role.

Example: remove-money-role Muted 950


Check the total bank balance for the server, and current interest rate.

Related Commands

withdraw - takes money out of your bank to your cash

deposit - puts money from your cash into your bank

deposit <amount or all>

Deposit money to your bank.

Example: deposit 500

withdraw <amount or all>

Withdraw money from your bank.

Example: withdraw 100

give-money <member> <amount>

Give another member your money :)

Example: give-money unbelievable 480

money [member]

Check your balance, or the balance of another member.

leaderboard [page]

Displays the money leaderboard for the server.

To remove users from the leaderboard that are no longer in the server, use the clean-leaderboard command.


Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Removes anyone from the leaderboard that are no longer in your server.

This resets their money to 0, and removes them from the leaderboard.

reset-money [user]

Reset your money, or another user's money.


Permissions: Manage server or Bot commander role

Resets everyone's balance back to 0.

Mar 24th, 2017

Tatsumaki Slots Commands Bot

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Tatsumaki Slots Commands

Tatsumaki Slots Commands Command

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Tatsumaki Slots Commands Minecraft